Ohio House
Republican Alliance

Ohio House

A Conservative Voice For Ohio

Ohio’s Conservative Leaders


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Help us move Ohio forward

    You can also email us at info@ohiorepublicanalliance.com


    Promoting Conservative Philosophy & Principles

    Ohio’s House Republican’s are committed to advancing limited government, individual liberties, and the free markets that these principles stand on. Democrats’ across our state are attacking individual freedoms working behind closed doors to strip your God-given constitutional rights. We are committed to fighting back against the Democrats radical agenda, and have been hard at work crafting policies to make Ohio the greatest place to work, live, and raise a family.

    The future of Ohio is counting on you, join us in this fight and make your voice heard today.

    Support OHRA

    Building a better future for Ohio

    We can’t do this alone, we need your support on election day. Update your voter registration and make your voice heard!

    Join The Fight

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    Issues & Advocacy

    Lowering taxes to fight inflation, supporting parents and students to give them educational freedom, encouraging economic investment and development for the future, and protecting our constitution – Ohio’s House Republicans have been hard at work on issues that matter to all Ohioans.

    Help us move Ohio forward. Learn more about how you can get involved

    A Conservative Voice For Ohio

    Ohio is a state with a rich history of conservative values. Ohio’s House Republicans stand for promoting these values through limited government, individual liberty, and free markets. We’re fighting back against radical liberal policies that are entering our state from coastal elites. Don’t let high taxes, burdensome regulations, and open borders destroy our state – join the fight today. 

    • Ohio’s House Republicans conservative policies represent ALL Ohioans.
    • Conservative values are essential to the freedom, prosperity, and future of Ohio.

    Calendar of Events

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